Bittu PatelOne For All, All For One — Flutter v1.0Google flutter v1.0, which was most and long awaited, has launched on 4th of December. This makes a rapid development link which helps you…Jan 4, 2019Jan 4, 2019
Bittu PatelStore Data Securely with Hive — FlutterSometimes it is necessary to store data securely on disk. Hive supports AES-256 encryption out of the box.Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
Bittu PatelBest Practices for Modeling Data in HiveHive has no query language and only limited support for sorting, but this is not necessarily a disadvantage. Sorting and filtering is much…Apr 11, 20211Apr 11, 20211
Bittu PatelRelationships in Hive — FlutterNOT ALL HUMANS HAVE RELATIONSHIP, BUT DATABASES DOApr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
Bittu PatelTODO App Using HIVE Database — FlutterIn this tutorial we will build a simple todo app, which features data persistence all with Hive in under 100 lines of code!Apr 7, 2021Apr 7, 2021
Bittu PatelTypeAdapters in Hive — FlutterIn this tutorial, we added a feature that allows you to mark your tasks as done. So before you continue with this tutorial, check out the…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021